Day 20 - London

For the little I drunk I feel pretty hungover. I don't know how I'm going to feel tomorrow and if it's part of the diet or age! Breakfast was not particularly healthy but balanced diet = Cheese :D.

Another night, another city, I'm anticipating about 2200 calories tonight assuming I have 5 Doubles and a few tequilas, plus some form of post session food. Banked the calories this week and this morning the scale said I'd lost 8lbs since I started so I'm in a good place. If I can get to 10lbs by day 30, then I can shake up the diet and add some more in to slow the weight loss over the remaining 60days, though with added gym time I'm not sure if I'll hit 20lbs loss once we add in muscle gain.

Though this was never really about weighing a certain weight, it was getting rid of some excess baggage! If I don't hit 20lbs lost but look physically better and feel healthier then it is worth it.

Food this evening was lovely Jim Beam Bourbon Ribeye at The Hilton Metropole, perfectly Medium Rare.

Today's exercise:

14:00 - Walking around London 
21:00 - Dancing at a gig

According to Google Fit;

Total steps: 17,000
Move minutes: 242
Heart Points: 107

Today's Food:

10:00 - Coffee w/ skimmed milk
10:00 - 1 slice of cheese in toast with Beans
12:00 - Pint of water
14:00 - Pint of Water
15:00 - Pinf of Water
18:00 - Gin & SlimTonic (8x25ml)
20:00 - 2 shots of Tequila
22:00 - Pint of Cider
23:00 - Pint of water

Weight today 166.2lbs

Calories consumed: 2,153
Additional Calories burnt: 339



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