Day 24 - Hump Day Wednesday

Turns out that the coffee I'd been drinking for the 2 weeks leading upto the diet was decaff which explains why I and been feeling so tired and had headaches. Now I know I've largely caffeine free I'm going to try and maintain not using it.

Today's exercise:

08:00 - Walk to the office 1km 
12:00 - Walk around Retail park (3km)
18:00 - Walk to the Car 1km 

According to Google Fit:
Total steps: 10,800
Move minutes: 111
Heart Points: 46

Today's Food:
09:00 - Coffee and Skimmed milk (decaff)
09:00 - Wheatabix & Milk
10:00 - Pint of Water
12:00 - Matheson Chicken, Asda Protein Pot Chicken, Asda mixed salad.
12:00 - Pint of water
13:00 - Coffee & skimmed milk (decaff)
18:00 - 2 Quorn Vegan Fillet, 1/4 Quorn Sausage, 2 Mushroom Sausages, cauliflower, tomatoes, garlic, chilis 
19:00 - Pint of water with Vimto (no added sugar)
22:00 - Pint of water with Vimto 

Weight today: 165lbs
Calories consumed: 1,404
Additional Calories burnt: 207



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