Day 27 - Easter Saturday

Vegan BBQ with marinated cauliflower steaks and charred Mushrooms. lots of alcohol too

Today's exercise:

According to Google Fit:
Total steps: 17,206
Move minutes: 243
Heart Points: 5

Today's Food:
09:00 - Coffee with Whole milk
10:00 - Pint of Water
11:00 - 3 Scrambled eggs, Spinach & a Slice if Wholemeal bread
12:00 - Pint of water
14:00 - Gin and SlimTonic x10
14:00 - 1 Large Mushroom, cauliflower, potato, parsnip & swede
19:00 - Pint of cider
22:00 - G&T
22:00 - 2x Corona bottles

Weight today: 164lbs
Calories consumed: 1,769
Additional Calories burnt: 150



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