Day 51 to 57 - Pay as You Gym (Hussle)

Joined Pay as You Gym (Hussle), get 50% off when you join. So you can just pay for a day and it could be half price, or you can get 5 Days or a full month's pass to over 1500 gyms. That cost me £25 instead of £50 for the month, which is a lot cheaper than my local gyms rate, the plan is to use it several times a week for the this month and whilst I'm out of town too and the gym near work.

Day 51 (Tues) - Food 1224cal, Exercise 219cal (3.89k lunch walk)
Day 52 (Weds) - Food 1644cal, Exercise 90cal 
Day 53 (Thur) - Food 1582cal, Exercise 319cal (morning run and evening walk)
Day 54 (Fri) - Food 1265cal, Exercise 145cal
Day 55 (Sat) - Food 2340cal, Exercise 196cal (Swimming)
Day 56 (Sun) - Food 1348cal, Exercise 135cal
Day 57 (Mon) - Food 1332cal, Exercise 120cal

Weight day 51: 160.2 lbs
Weight day 57: 158.4 lbs



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